Who I am / My current artistic work
N° SIRET 81812512200031
Ambre Kalène was born in Paris in 1957, of a Swiss father and a gypsy mother. A double origin which allows her to associate rigor and creative freedom.
She starts to exhibit in 1986 at the Trinité Gallery (Lyon) first figurative watercolors, then very quickly she tries to explore themes around the light and the emotions. Since then she will continue to exhibit, according to her numerous moves, in Paris, Lyon, Pézenas, Béziers, Geneva, Lausanne, Brussels, etc.
In parallel to her artistic approach, she became a Naturopath and Therapist, a specialist in post-traumatic disorders, founder of the EPRTH™, a brief therapy that allows the emotional brain (unconscious) and the cortex (conscious) to be brought into coherence.
Convinced ecologist for more than 40 years, militant for the protection of the environment and the respect of the fauna and flora, it is quite naturally that her artistic work is based on her knowledge of the mechanisms of the human brain, to make evolve, in depth, the conscience of the person looking at her artistic work, by displaying on the same artistic space what it is necessary to preserve and what harms or may harms it. For that she use 2 techniques : acrylic for the top of the painting and oil, much more present, for the bottom of the painting.
Over time, the person who looks at the painting only "sees" the colored part, but its unconscious mind associates the two.
Some references:
- 1986 à 1989 Galerie Trinité (Lyon – France)
- 1990 « Les indépendants » Grand-Palais (Paris - France), rétrospective Van Gogh
- 1992 11th in the National Contest Lefranc-Bourgeois
- 1996 Prize of the International exhibition of Uckange
- 1999 Library of Paulhan/Media library Pézenas/Médias Forum Béziers/Museum of frontignan/House of arts of Pézenas
- 2000 1er Carrefour des Arts (Hérault – France)
- 2000 Carrefour des Arts/Anim’Art (Le Pouget – France)
- 2003 « les indépendants » (Paris – France)
- 2004 – 2008 Permanent exhibition Gallery 64 (Lausanne – Suisse)
- 2006 Hôtel Mövenpick (Genève - Suisse)
- 2007 Galerie Gensdhommes (La Chaux-de-Fonds – Suisse)
- 2010 – 2012 Exhibitions with SSFA (Soc. of Women Artists in the Visual Arts – CH)
- 2019 Paris, in the context of artists' studios in the 15th Arrondissement
- 2020 DAGAZART, virtual exhibition on Second Life.